About us

Our Story
Established on 29th March 2019 by 4 professionals with 15-23 years of experience in areas such as humanitarian negotiations, human rights, international law, and communications, Fight for Humanity is a registered NGO, based in Geneva, Switzerland, with the status of public interest. It is directed by a Committee and a General Assembly. An Advisory Council gives privileged access to an extended network of experts.
Our Mission
Fight for Humanity is a non-partisan, impartial and independent NGO that works for the fulfilment of the human rights of individuals affected by armed conflict or violence. The organization relies on International Human Rights Law to actively promote, through dialogue, training, and awareness-raising campaigns, the basic rules that guarantee the respect for human dignity.
Fight for Humanity believes that a strong respect for human rights is a condition to build sustainable peace and has prioritized several human rights areas that it estimates essential to support peace efforts: cultural rights, including the protection of cultural heritage; freedom from discrimination and the promotion of the rights of women and girls; child rights; and the right to a healthy environment.